
Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Doctor

"These pains you feel are messengers. Listen to them." - Rumi

** All photos posted here are chosen for a reason **

A Whale of a Tale

The writers picked an interesting classic literary character to introduce and add to the mystery of this fairy tale mash-up.

It's a good thing no one reads my notes because even when I re-read them I think I'm going crazy with seeing connections to the "Island".  I owe the writers of ONCE a heartfelt apology for my insanity with thinking that their story has some sort of a connection to LOST; especially when their intention is simply to give us their own beautiful and unique fairy tale- which they are and I truly love very much! Plus I respect and I'm always inspired by the wonderful creative works they constantly give us. I really do feel stupid making these connections, and I really hope the writers wouldn't be insulted by my delving into the LOSTness facet of their story. I don't know... maybe I am going crazy and I need some professional help with this. Perhaps a trip to Storybrooke or a trip back the "Island" is the prescription I need.  Nonetheless, ONCE is so amazing on so many levels. I truly love every second of it and long for more.

As these people play their roles in these fantastical environments, they find that this wonderful adventurous journey serves a purpose- to transform them. They are the cause of their own suffering and solely responsible for their own happiness, but they don't realize they have the capacity and the power within them to achieve wondrous things. This journey is a bit like therapy, enabling them to utilize the lessons learned from challenges and take steps in retraining their minds, building confidence and healing their hearts.  The reward is that the path will lead them home.

The Wizarding Doctor: As I watched the episode unfold I noted many obvious Wizard of Oz overtones and couldn't help but wonder how the world of Frankenstein fits into our fairy tale- but it does. Reanimation- breathing new life into someone is the key to that.  But as far as fantasy lands go, Dr. Whale told us he wasn't from their world. Okay, I get that; and I get that everything is connected. We know there are many worlds, lands and realms.  But if you've read the book Frankenstein (aka, The Modern Prometheus), a novel written by Mary Shelley, we know her story was conceived in a dream. She had a friendly competition with her fiancée and a couple of friends to see who could write the best horror story.  Mary's story is about a creature created by an eccentric medical-scientific experiment of piecing together body parts of miscellaneous deceased people and reanimating the dead.  Although this fiction as well as the actual "science" of the tale is born from fantasy, this story itself doesn't take place in a fairy tale or fantasy environment, it takes place in Geneva.  In addition, the characters are regular people and scientists; except for frenzied Dr. Frankenstein, whom is a bit obsessed with his vision and god-like complex.

Of course Frankenstein is a term that relates to the monstrous creature that was created. But I must note that in the story, when speaking to Victor Frankenstein, the monster refers to himself as "the Adam of your labors."
Welcome Back to the Land of the Living

We find Dr. Whale/Victor take the LOST sentiment "See you in another life, brotha" to a whole other level.  He goes to great lengths to breathe new life into the dead.  His motives were to help Regina with her "Daniel" issue as a means to help him get home to his brother.
Note: We see him in a lab declare "It's alive" and not "He's alive", when seeing his shocking experiment through.

There are many things in ONCE that are under the same umbrella as LOST.  Charlotte declared "This place is death" and she's right. The "Island" is the place you go to die so you can experience a rebirth.
Immobilized, frozen, stuck and paralyzed. John Locke was metaphorically paralyzed, as were his fellow Castaways. Frozen and unable to move forward- just like the "Island" itself.  They learned that until you can un-stick it/yourself, you're not going anywhere. You must find the power within you, as painful as it may be to accomplish this.  But there are guides to help you along the way and offer a little push when you need. In the end you'll be the better for it.

Rumple already has knowledge of some "power" and is willing to share it.  He's very clear to his apprentice, Regina that how she wields this "power" will be determined only by her own hearts will and desire. The choice is hers.  Of course, Rumple has his own motives as well.  Everyone has a motive.  Rumple had made his monster and Whale created/reanimated his. But guess what? We all have monsters, dragons and ogres to defeat.

Whatever Happened Happened

Magic is like a drug for Regina, an addiction. We're seeing that these people have vices, bad habits and they need to change that behavior.

Regina hasn't been able to let certain things in her past go and this fueled her anger and control issues. The result is Regina became her mother.

Metaphorically Regina has been emotionally preserving Daniel in such a state of importance and "holding on" that it only feeds her pain. Regina had to literally come face to face with Daniel to "let him go so" she can be free to love again. Although Dr. Whale reanimates the tool (Daniel), it is really Regina's pain  we see manifested in this challenging exchange with Daniel. She finally says goodbye to him, letting him go... but can she really let her anger go as well?
Connect Four

While all of this digging down deeper to find and uncover the real "person", they also seem to be learning to connect.

Locke connected with the "Island" and here in Storybrooke we're seeing that Henry must learn to connect with the horse. It's a matter of learning to be being "in tune."

Higher collective consciousness- Enlightenment: I kind of feel like everyone's asleep and dreaming- transcending realms and crossing over into each other's consciousness. Can this be accomplished via some transcendence, transport or "travel" mechanism?  Maybe the possibility exists that there's some science connected to all of that magic. Now, that doesn't mean they're all on the same plane, but maybe they're getting there.  Go ahead mock the shit out of me. I can take it, as I've done many, many times before.  I do feel like ONCE Upon A Time connects to LOST.  I'm just gonna ask it already... Could we be privy to some input via Mittelos Bioscience, the Hanso Foundation and the DHARMA Initiative?  It could be. Hey, a girl can dream, can't she?!

Things to Note...Questions to Ask...

๑ "An island full of corpses."   Death
๑ Island- tropical plants
๑ Coma. Unconscious. Sleep. Dream- Wake up.
๑ Black. White. Red
๑ Rumple teaches the "ripping out of hearts" bit
๑ I guess Rumple was looking for the ruby red/silver "slippers" to get to that land- Kansas
๑ An interesting version of Jefferson.
๑ Who is Whale's brother? What if Dr. Whale's brother is a twin? Why bring back Daniel, is that just for Regina's sake?
Time issue: Hook arrived at Mulan's camp a few months ago, he admits he's Cora's plant, yet the ladies just came upon him.
๑ Did Dr. Whale sleep with Kathryn too?
๑ Hook is missing a hand (via Rumple). Dr. Whale loses an arm. Daniel.
๑ Compass
๑ Smoke and Mirrors. Con. Lies. Tricks {palm}. Charlatan. Wizard
๑ I love the color and black and white visuals
Dead is Dead
๑ School. Learning. Experiments. Coach. Teach. Training.
๑ Vault
๑ Regina's father Henry's "grave" is in Storybrooke and on the "Island" Jack's father's coffin is there.
๑ Free reign- Royal passport
๑ Science. Lab. Experiments.
๑ Karma

Vocabulary and Research...

๑ 1931's Frankenstein and 1935's The Bride of Frankenstein films were both directed by James Whale.
"The Whale" is an instrumental by the Electric Light Orchestra. The song is track 15 from their 1977 double LP Out of the Blue. The song was the B-side of their United States single "It's Over" in 1978 and on a remastered version on their box set compilation Flashback.
Pink Protea Plant/flower: was named in 1735 by Carl Linnaeus after the Greek god Proteus, who could change his form at will; because proteas have such a wide variety of forms. Versions of this plant are found in southern Africa, and in Australia and South America and the other smaller segments of Gondwana that are now part of eastern Asia.
๑ A Wizard is someone who is an accomplished magician.
Knight: A game piece in Chess.  Knight's Tour is a mathematical problem involving a Knight on a chess board.
- Crainte et tremblement- The book in the Temple is "Fear and Trembling" (original title: Frygt og Bæven), a philosophical work by Danish philosopher, theologian, and psychologist Søren Aabye Kierkegaard, published in 1843 under the pseudonym Johannes de silentio (John the Silent). In the book Kierkegaard introduces the “Knight of Faith” and contrasts him with the "knight of infinite resignation". The latter gives up everything in return for the infinite, that which he may receive after this life, and continuously dwells with the pain of his loss. The former, however, not only relinquishes everything, but also trusts that he will receive it all back, his trust based on the "strength of the absurd".
Crystals: The history of talismans and amulets, made by alchemists, priests, magicians, magi, shamans, and witches, goes back as far as there are records. Can be used in meditation for contacting higher self, relaxation, creative visualization, allowing out flow, healing, opening energy centers,grounding and connecting with guides.  
White (Hope)  
Silver (Introspection)  
Black (Protection)  
Brown (Grounding)
- Black Crystal- Black crystals are very protective and offer you a retreat, the safety of being hidden from your enemies. Use the as protective amulets. Carry them when you are concerned with your personal safety. Keep one near your front door. They also have water energy. 
- Black is not a color, but rather the lack of color. In nature, black is the color of night when the moon is not in the sky to illuminate the landscape. Dark night is a time of unease in which the familiar world is obscured. Black often associated with death
Unicorn:  First mentioned by the ancient Greeks, it became the most important imaginary animal of the Middle Ages and Renaissance when it was commonly described as an extremely wild woodland creature, a symbol of purity and grace, which could only be captured by a virgin.
- Narwhal, an Arctic species of Whale which, with a tusk attached to their head
- Unicorn (spider), a genus of Oonopidae
- Unicorn. Album by T-Rex:
1. "Chariots of Silk"
2. "Pon a Hill"
3. "The Seal of Seasons"
4. "The Throat of Winter"
5. "Cat Black (The Wizard's Hat)"
6. "Stones for Avalon"
7. "She Was Born to Be My Unicorn"
8. "Like a White Star, Tangled and Far, Tulip That's What You Are"
Side Two
1. "Warlord of the Royal Crocodiles"
2. "Evenings of Damask"
3. "The Sea Beasts"
4. "Iscariot"
5. "Nijinsky Hind"
6. "The Pilgrim's Tale"
7. "The Misty Coast of Albany"
8. "Romany Soup"

 ✔ Golden LOST Thread Woven into the Tapestry of this Tale

✈ Experiment. The DHARMA Initiative
✈ Karma
✈ Life, death, rebirth.
✈ Immobilized. Frozen. Paralyzed.
✈ 8
✈ Flash- Flashback
Dead is Dead
✈ Let go
✈ Guard. Sentry. Watch.
✈ School.  Learning. Experiments. Coach. Teach. Training.
✈ Time
✈ Protect
✈ Hidden
✈ Vault- The Orchid Station
✈ Con. Tricks. Smoke and mirrors
✈ (Radio) tower. Communication.
✈ Limbs. Organs
✈ Whispers
✈ Psychology
✈ Science. Lab. Experiments.
✈ Carte Blanche
✈ Tied to a tree: Sawyer, Sayid and Ben
✈ Ash
✈ Risk
✈ Has work to do
✈ Puzzle. Game
✈ Montand lost his arm, so did Ray Mullen
Cabin Fever 
Across the Sea
Pilot P2- Recorded on a loop that ran for over 16 years, Danielle is heard (translated) saying in French, "...It killed them. It killed them all." And in Solitary the hearing of said translated loop "...He killed them. He killed them all."

Enough of my rambling... Here's your episode recap! Enjoy!
The ladies come upon the usually guarded by sentries tower and find their people have been slain. Just before this discovery, Snow is encouraging Aurora to "leave the particulars" of the honorable Lancelot death and Cora escaping events to them. Aurora sees this as lying.

Mulan feels this can't be because their land there was protected- hidden. "How did the Ogre's find us?"  Snow realizes by evidence of the slain hearts being ripped out, that Cora did this.  "This is her magic. Twisted and evil. We have to stop her."
Mulan- "Too late. She killed them. She killed them all."
Emma notices movement under some debris. {Well} There's someone under there! A man- Hook.  He begs for their help. Snow assures him he's safe now.
Acting sheriff, Charming/David, is met by Dr. Whale, who needs to talk to him. David punches the doctor for sleeping with his wife. Dr. Whale questions "Kathryn?" David confirms "Snow."  Of course the Dr. didn't know because he was cursed. Whale goes on to ask David if its true what people are saying; "That you're trying to find a way to build a portal back to your land because that's where you think Emma and Mary Margaret are? That they're alive."  David says (Well) the whispers can stop, as he has no secrets from this town- that's exactly what he's doing. Whale informs him that the land is gone; destroyed by the curse.  David tells him it's not, but isn't having any luck accomplishing this yet. Whale wonders if this means all the lands still exist.  David looks at him with curiosity and a bit of suspicion. "Possibly."  Whale knows the Queen lied to them again and asks if David's sure.
David- "Remember who we're talking about."
Regina shows up at Archie's to see him for a chat. She admits she's been trying to keep her promise to Henry, but it's been difficult.  It's been two days since she used magic. Archie commends her on an excellent start.
Regina admits that magic is the way she's always gotten everything.
Archie- "Sounds like its also the way you've lost everything. Regina, this is your chance to start over. To earn Henry."  Just then Dr. Whale walks right in to confront Regina, demanding she send him back- to his land and to his brother.  Regina looks confused and tells him to check the "Missing" board like everyone else.  Whale states that her curse only brought the "living."
Regina- "Well, then, I'm sorry for your loss."  She can't send anyone anywhere. Archie orders Dr. Whale to "Go!"  Regina seems surprised that Archie was so assertive.  Archie asks if what she said wasn't entirely true; about the curse only taking the living. "The grave of your father's here, right?"
Regina makes it clear she doesn't care about Whale or his brother, as she brought who she wanted.
Archie- "Anyone else?"  He wants Regina to trust him- so she can open up and be honest. "Stopping magic is a lot harder than starting."
Rumpelstiltskin is working with his apprentice, Regina, on enchanting a black Unicorn.  He instructs her to immobilize it.  Once the Unicorn is frozen on its hind legs, Rumple gives her one last tiny detail- to take its heart.
Regina- "Like what my mother did to ..."
Rumple-"Ah, you're true love, indeed. Then you already know how it's done."
Rumple coaches her as she approaches the Unicorn. "Gentle. If you do it right, no harm will befall it. Unless of course- you will it." Looking into the Unicorn's eyes Regina backs off, unable to do it to this innocent creature.
Rumple- "Nothing is innocent." He plunges his hand into the Unicorn and removes its heart. The Unicorn is unfrozen, but belonging to Rumple. "You see, you take a heart it becomes enchanted. Stronger than a normal heart. You're not hurting the beast- you're controlling it. Now, show me you know what you can do with that power. (tosses her the heart) Kill it."  He wants her to prove she can take the next step in her training. "Crush it."   Regina begins to squeeze the heart but stops when she sees it's taking down the Unicorn. She can't do it; she didn't sign up to kill Unicorns.  Rumple had high hopes for her. "Magic is power! Until you can take power- you're not learning anything. Do you want me to teach you or not?"
Regina- "Yes!"
Rumple- "Then there's one simple question for you to ponder."
Regina- "I'll tell you anything."
Rumple giggles "I don't need the answer- you do. ... What's holding you back?"
Regina pays a visit to Daniel; laying "dead" in is see through/glass coffin (hands in Mudra mediation/balance position) and places an enchantment spell over him.

Regina shares with Archie "His name was Daniel. I preserved his body with an enchantment spell. He's dead, but frozen. And I've kept him in my family mausoleum."  Because she can't let go of him. Archie encourages if she can't let go of the past, its doomed to haunt her.  Regina gets teary, she's had enough. She also doubts Archie can help her.
Regina's driving in the rain and sees Daniel standing near the library- and then he disappears.
David and Henry arrive at the stable. Henry yawns and David jokes that this isn't school and it should be fun.  Henry admits he couldn't sleep. David bends down eye level to the boy and tells him "I miss 'em too."   He tells the boy Emma and Snow will be when they come home to find Henry's become a proper Knight.   David tells the boy to say hello to your steed. But Henry approaches the wrong horse and is introduced to the correct horse; stall number 8.  He also tells him that he's not riding today, as there's much the boy must learn before he hops in the saddle. The boy will learn everything from the basics onward- twice a day. Henry doesn't feel that's riding, he feels that's babysitting. David corrects him "Horse-sitting. It builds an essential bond. The trust between Knight and steed."  Henry's only interested in "When will I ride him?"
David- "When the horse tells you."  He's going to check on the Dwarfs to  see how the mining is going. He'll pick the kid up later.
Henry asks the horse "So, anything you wanna tell me?"  The horse literally shakes his head "no."
Regina visits her tomb (ring of skeleton keys and wearing a crystal). She makes her way down below to find Daniel's see through/glass coffin is empty.
Rumple sits quiet spinning at his wheel.  Student Regina asks him if he's ready to being- to which he's been ready. He asks her "Are you?"  Regina's ready.
The teacher asks "Tell me why you're really here."
Regina- "For power, for..."
Rumple- "Stop wasting my time! What is it you want? Come on. You've done all your soul searching. Now tell me."
Regina- "Can you teach me how to use magic to bring back the dead?"
Rumple- "That's what this is about? The stable boy?"  Regina claims to want true happiness.
Rumple- "Then find it elsewhere, Dearie! Magic can do much, but not that. Dead is dead."
Regina is dejected and claims "Then I am lost."
Rumple- "And I've had my time wasted.  I'm sorry but, uh, transcending death is beyond even my reach."
Appearing out of the blue is Jefferson. "I thought nothing was beyond your reach."  Rumple ignores Regina, advising Jefferson to do the same.  Jefferson brought Rumple the item he wanted, a crystal ball- sans the slippers.
Jefferson- "Uh, couldn't find 'em. Heard talk they've already been moved to another land."
Rumple- "That's what I needed to get to that other land."  (Regina knocks something over) Jefferson tells Rumple to "Well, come with me in my hat, I'm sure we can work something out."
Rumple says no, as his hat only transports between magical realms. "I need to get to a land without magic."  Jefferson finds this strange. "Why would anyone want that?"  But this is Rumple's business. Rumple will still take the ball and pays Jefferson with gold he's spun; trusting him to help himself to take only what he deems appropriate.   Rumple tells Regina to let herself out; their work  is done. He won't teach while she's harboring foolish notions of bringing back the dead. "So long as you live in the past, you'll never find your future. Teaching you is a waste of time." Rumple walks away.
Silly eavesdropping Jefferson thinks Regina needs to look elsewhere for assistance. He hears things. "Jefferson's the name, and I'm a man who travels and sees much. And I know the man who can do what you want- bring back the dead. He's, um, you might say- a Wizard. I can bring him to you."  His price is a Royal Passport. He's made many enemies and would like free reign to traverse her Kingdom. He figures this naive woman is the Queen, "Aren't you?"  Regina is. She asks if this Wizard really can bring someone back from the dead.
Jefferson- "Well, if he can't... then no one can."

Mulan tells Emma that this man arrived at their camp a few months ago; he's is a blacksmith who lost his hand in an Ogre attack. Emma wonders why Cora would leave a survivor. She's cautious over this little mess and knows Cora's tricked them before and doesn't want that to happen again.
Emma asks the blacksmith, "An island full of corpses. You're the only one to escape. How exactly did that happen?"  The blacksmith informs the ladies that "She attacked at night. Slaughtered everyone in one fell swoop. When she started ripping out people's hearts I hid under the bodies of those who had already been killed. Pretended to be dead myself. Mercifully the ruse worked."  It was all he could do to survive. Emma gets down to his eye level to let him in on her superpower secret; she's pretty good at knowing when someone is lying to her. The man says he's telling her the truth. Mulan suggests they leave there in case Cora decides to go back. Snow says they should start searching for a new portal back to Storybrooke; she only got about 5 minutes with her husband- not to mention her grandson.  With that, the blacksmith offers to guide them, as he knows this land well. Emma pulls a knife on him (throat) "You're not gonna guide us anywhere until you tell us who you really are."

Regina enters the secret dark deserted lower level mental ward where she looks around for Dr. Whale. "...Where are you?"
"Where is he, this Wizard?" Regina asks Jefferson, as they walk the long hall of the castle. Jefferson warns her to be cautious. He's not dangerous to them- "But bear in mind he's never been to a world like this before. He's unfamiliar with our ways... with our magic." Regina only cares about what she wants from this Wizard.
In dramatic fashion Jefferson introduces the mysterious man. "Now, may I present to you... your salvation."
The man sits sketching/drawing the tropical flower that is in front of him.
Regina asks "You're the Wizard?"  The man prefers "Doctor. But you're welcome to call me whatever makes you comfortable."   Regina calls him doctor. The Doctor understands why he was brought there and asks to see the patient.

The Doctor finds Daniel's state remarkable; as if his last breathe was drawn moments ago. That's due to Regina's preservation spell. Do determine if this Doctor can bring him back, he cuts into Daniel's hand, drawing blood, and indeed does determine "His condition is ideal- apart from being dead, that is."  Cautious Regina asks him how many times he's done this before. The Doctor reveals the procedure is experimental; success is yet to occur. But, if certain conditions are met, he's optimistic. Regina wonders what kind of charlatan he is.  The Doctor claims to be no such thing. "I was told the last piece of the crucial puzzle exists in this land."  He also needs a strong heart; a fragile organ. "I've searched the far reaches of my realm for one with the fortitude to withstand the shock of my procedure- none have survived. But they say in your land there are hearts transformed by magic. Hearts made so powerful they glow."  He needs this for his work. The Doctor asks Regina how she changes these hearts. "How do you enchant them?"
Jefferson answers. "Those who practice the dark arts do it by ripping the organ out of the living while it still beats."  Regina claims she can't do that act. The Doctor was assured this Queen was some powerful sorceress.
Regina- "I will not use magic for evil."
Apparently if she wants her fiancée back then she's going to have to find someone who will.  The Doctor asks if he's wasted his time there. Nope, Regina knows exactly who can help them. "I know where to get a heart."
Regina enters a medical procedure room with flickering electricity and the room is in shambles.  She uncovers a table with body/severed limbs/hand and in a fright knocks into a glowing florescent light. She discovers Dr. Whale laying on the ground. "I know you took Daniel's body and  you took one of my hearts. Why? Why?! Did you bring him back?"
The Doctor claims "I did it."
Regina- "He's alive?"
Whale- "Yes. I brought him back but... he's not Daniel. He's... He's a monster."

Regina stands in front of a roaring fire in the castle fireplace. This was her mother's . The men aren't impressed. Regina tells them to "Just listen."  The sound of a beating heart is heard. It's coming from her/Cora's vault. Regina magically transforms the fireplace and opens a doorway and they make their way down the steps to the vault of red glowing beating hearts claimed by heart collector, Cora. Regina doesn't know whose hearts these are, as Cora took so many and caused so much pain- it was impossible to keep track. "She was a monster."  The Doctor opens a box with a glowing red beating heart. "Finally. After all this time. It's perfect."

Regina observes Dr. Whale from behind the glass wall of his hospital room. We hear the heart monitor beeping.  David arrives asking what happened; he heard Whale was attacked. Regina tells David to ask Whale's Doctors. Regina shares (the truth) that she came there to talk to Whale and discovered he was hurt. She was to talk to him about someone from her past. "I believe he's come back. Daniel. Daniel's his name."  David knows this as the man she was to marry; Snow told him how it was her fault the man died.
Regina- "Yes. He did."
David wonders "Then how can he be back?"
Regina- "Whale. He believed he could bring him back from the grave, and I don't know how, but he has."  She tells David he practices something more powerful than magic- or so she was told. All he needed was a heart and he took one of hers. David is stunned! "You have hearts here?" Regina admits "In my vault- from our land."  David asks whose heart Whale took, but Regina has no idea. "I took so many it was impossible to keep track."  Regina must leave to go find Daniel, but David won't let her go, giving her two choices "Tell me where he is or jail." Regina feels Daniel won't hurt anyone else and also feels "I think it's like when you awoke from your coma. He's following his final thoughts to where he last met me. The Stables."  David freaks out because Henry's at the stables.

Henry brushes and chats with his horse about being anxious to ride, but all the horses start reacting to something. Henry gets knocked down and his horse runs out and Daniel appears.
Mulan ties the blacksmith to the tree because Emma doesn't believe him. She threatens him that the Ogres can get to the truth by ripping him limb from limb. The Ogres can be heard in the distance.  The ladies walk away from the scared man. Aurora wonders if he's telling the truth, but Emma knows he's not.  The man calls out from the tree "Good for you! You bested me. I can count on one hand the amount of people who've done that on one hand."
Emma asks him "Who are you?"   This is Killian Jones. "But most people have taken to call me by my more colorful moniker- Hook."  The ladies verify this by checking his satchel.  Emma's heard of Captain Hook. Emma hurries the man to talking as the Ogres are getting closer.  He reveals Cora wanted him to gain their trust so he could learn everything about Storybrooke; she didn't want any surprises when she finally got over there.  He also admits that even though the ladies destroyed the wardrobe the enchantment remains. Cora gathered the ashes and will use them to open up a portal. He wants to be cut loose, as he's not responsible for the lives taken there; that was Cora. The ladies walk away but Hook yells that they need him alive. "Because we both want the same thing. To get back to your land."  Emma knows he would say anything to save himself so why should they believe him now. Hook arranged for transport with Cora, but since Emma is also resourceful he offers her the same deal. "I'll help you if... you promise to take me along."
Snow asks "How are you going to help us get home?"  Hook reveals that the ashes will open a portal, but to find your land she needs more. There's an enchanted compass, Cora seeks it. I'll help you obtain it before she does.
Emma- "So Cora won't make it to Storybrooke and we'll get one step closer to getting home." Emma looks over at Snow for her take, but Snow feels it sounds too good to be true.  With the Ogres approaching Emma (whispers) to Hook demanding he tell her this one thing (and whatever he says she better believe it) "Why does Captain Hook wanna go to Storybrooke?"
Hook- "To exact revenge on the man who took my hand. Rumpelstiltskin."

Henry is trying to communicate with the man (Daniel- bloody left hand) standing in front of him. The horses are scared. Henry asks "Are you hurt? Can I help you?"  Henry holds up his hand to offer him help, but this causes Daniel to have a Flash of when Cora ripped out his heart. Now enraged, Daniel chokes Henry and is stopped by Regina. David makes Henry run off.
Regina sees it's true, Daniel's really here.  Daniel looks confused. As her runs to attack her, David slams the door on him but the lock won't hold for long! David asks her if she can cast a spell to subdue him, but she won't use magic on him. {WTF?! You already have.}  David readies his gun. "He's a monster, Regina! If you won't put him down then I will!"  Emotional Regina pleads to talk to her fiancée Daniel.
Regina gives the Wizard Doctor the box containing a heart so he can perform the procedure- alone. {Thunder and lightning.} Regina asks Jefferson "What's he doing back there, magic?"
Jefferson- "He says he wields power greater than magic."  They watch the Doctor's performance behind the curtain (tent).  Curious Regina wonders "Why won't he let us see?"
Jefferson- "In his land there's much we don't understand- or can't. If he can't achieve what you seek, Rumpelstiltskin was right, it can't be done."   We (somewhat) see the Wizard Doctor "plunge the heart downward, into the patient, Daniel with a wonderfully timed lightning strike.
Regina is hopeful when the Wizard Doctor comes out with news. But the Wizard Doctor has failed. "The heart wasn't strong enough. It couldn't withstand the procedure."  Regina visits with lifeless Daniel. She lays her head on his chest/heart.

Regina unlocks the stable door to visit with reanimated Daniel. She is happy to see him, but he only chokes her. She begs him to stop and he does only when she whispers "It's me. I love you."  This snaps him out of his "rage" and they hug.  {PLAY THE SCENE I POSTED AT THE TOP OF THIS POST} Daniel is reacting physically to the pain and wants it to stop. "Just stop the pain."
Regina- "How?"
Daniel- "Just let me go.
Regina- "No. No, I won't lose you again. Without you I'm lost."  Daniel's pain continues.  Regina begs him to come back to her, but he can't.
Regina- "But I love you."
Daniel looks in her eyes and tenderly says "Then love again." He pulls away from her and again becomes enraged. As her goes after her their hands meet and a magical forcefield radiates in Daniel. Regina cries and with the wave of her hand Daniel magically disappears. "Goodbye, Daniel."
On their walk through the forest, Hook informs them up head; they'll find the compass just over the ridge. Snow tells Emma she feels as if he's leading them into a trap for Cora. Emma feels its definitely a trap, but as long as we know they're trying to play them they can stay one step ahead.
They come upon the sky-scraping stalk that looks eerily similar to one Wizard of Oz cyclone. The compass is up there. Prisoner Hook tells her it's not the climb she needs to worry about- it's the giant at the top.
We see upset Regina drive her little Mercedes into Storybrooke town and pull over.
In the forest Regina, dressed in black, approaches Rumple who is in the middle of a training session with Regina's more dedicated replacement. Insulted and motivated Regina plunges her hand into the young woman and rips out her heart and crushes it. Rumple is pleased. They'll pick up where they left off. {He has the spell book.}

Upset and remorseful/guilty Regina goes back to Archie and confesses she used magic.
Jefferson leads the Wizard Doctor through the forest. The Wizard feels this is enough; he needs to be taken home. "I have work to do and I believe our deal here is done."  But the deal isn't done until he, Rumple, says its done. Rumple tells him to have patience, as their transaction is nearly complete. The three were in a con spearheaded by Rumple to trick Regina. The ruse proved her heartbroken. Rumple has seen the aftermath of this. The Wizard Doctor gets his property back; a box containing a beating heart. He feels it was a pleasure doing business with them. Rumple thanks him, for its the Wizard's efforts Rumple was able to make his monster. "Now, I do hope you'll be able to make yours."
The Wizard claims he is not making a monster.
Rumple- "Sure, you're not. Good luck."
The Wizard- "If these hearts are as strong as you say I won't need luck."  What he's going to accomplish goes far beyond magic.
Rumple- "And yet you need a magical heart to do it."
The Wizard- "So small minded. I need my powers to transcend the power of limitations of your magic.
Rumple- "This must be quite a land you hail from- if you think your abilities are more... powerful."
The Wizard- "They are."
Rumple- "Care to wager? I suspect someday... you'll see it my way."
The confident Wizard doubts it.  Jefferson readies his hat portal to get the Wizard back to his land.
Rumple warns the Wizard to be careful "Whatever it is you traffic in... it comes with a price."
The Wizard- "We'll see."  He jumps into the portal with Jefferson.
One armed Dr. Whale carries a cooler containing an/his arm, and pays a visit to Mr. Gold's/Rumpelstiltskin shop.
 Mr. Gold/Rumple will reattach his arm, but first he wants Whale to tell him why.  Whale says "Because I want to use it again."  Rumple meant "Why bring that stable boy back from the dead? Why now?"  Whale thought that if he helped her, she would return him back to his world. "I want to see my brother. To try to bring him back again." He explains "The first time ended badly. I need to return and try it once more."
Rumple feels that's beyond her abilities. "My condolences."  About Whale's arm- there's a difference between can and will.  Rumple's price is to hear Whale "say it."
Whale- "I need magic."
Rumple- "That's all I needed to hear." With the wave of his hand he magically reattached the Doctor's arm. "Always a pleasure doing business with you, uh, Victor."  They shake hands.

In shades of dark and light: the only color is presented with the glowing red heart.
In an old castle laboratory on a dark stormy night, the Doctor {with his heart in a box} returns to meet with his lab assistant. His assistant asks "Did you find what you were looking for?"
The doctor has, and presents the remarkable heart. He believes it's the final piece to the puzzle.
The Doctor uses the already churning electricity to help power the components of his lab and send shock waves into the sheet covered body on the table. "It's alive."  A {left" hand reaches out from under the sheet. Victor believes he's done it. "Welcome back, brother."  The impressed assistant feels it's magic.
Victor Frankenstein- "No. Not magic. Science."

Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Crockodile

I don’t know if you have ever seen a map of a person’s mind. Doctors sometimes draw maps of other parts of you, and your own map can become intensely interesting, but catch them trying to draw a map of a child’s mind, which is not only confused, but keeps going round all the time. There are zigzag lines on it, just like your temperature on a card, and these are probably roads in the island; for the Neverland is always more or less an island, with astonishing splashes of color here and there, and coral reefs and rakish-looking craft in the offing, and savages and lonely lairs, and gnomes who are mostly tailors, and caves through which a river runs, and princes with six elder brothers, and a hut fast going to decay, and one very small old lady with a hooked nose.” ― J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan
** All photos posted here are chosen for a reason **

"White ones and red ones and some you can't disguise"

Magic is presented in many ways. Killian took Sleight of Hand to a whole other level, man.  Manipulating the object wasn't enough he had to manipulate Rumpelstiltskin too. The player got played.  Be warned- there are still many lies swirling around.

  • Killian is lying to himself if he considers himself an honorable man.
  • Moe lies about Belle's whereabouts and safety. Did he remove her from Rumple because of his love and want and need to protect her? He'd rather have her forget everyone and everything as to be disassociated with Rump and get to start her life over again somewhere else with a blank slate.
  • We can't forget that Charming/David is in a way still living a lie. He wasn't really a Prince to begin with he was only a substitute, a proxy for the former "Prince"; his twin brother, James, who wasn't a Prince either. Is his official Princely title coming from his marriage to Snow White? David seems to assume roles as he now assumes the role of sheriff. 
"Change it had to come- We knew it all along"

Rumpelstiltskin is changing. People are changing. Rumple isn't the only one in Storybrooke who is emotionally "closed" off.  A clenched fist, a physical manifestation of anger and an indication one is willing to fight- one can breathe and relax and gently open the hand. It was beautiful to hear Rumple admit to his inability to walk strongly without the use of a crutch.  He is emotionally crippling himself, similar to John Locke's crippling weakness to walk on LOST. Rumple finds power hiding his guilt, pain and loneliness behind the mask and magic of another persona. But deep down he does feel love and compassion.

Digging out the memories will get really messy because digging gets one closer to the core- the truth. It's part of the course and a necessary step toward killing the demons, dragons and monsters that dwell deep inside of those feeding them.  When the darkness is channeled properly the heart can fill with love- you just have to find the key.

“I shall really be very unhappy unless you give me the sort of courage that makes one forget he is afraid.” 

Rumple may be taking baby steps on his way to letting go of his cowardice. The Cowardly Lion found courage... it was there inside him all along.

Rumple's connection to Milah and Killian and his Storybrooke experiences seem to be his deep seeded emotions rising to the surface and are being lived out via these fairy tale characters and enchanted surroundings.  Some of the dialogue I heard in this episode could even relate directly to Emma and the emotions she's been dealing with and her need to heal from them.

Needful Things

The fact that Rumpelstiltskin/Mr. Gold is the keeper of  items belonging to residents of Storybrooke is important. His shop holds wants and needs and the items have even acted as an emotional trigger for some. For some residents the items anchor them to their home, but for a few others the items is a reminder of the baggage they need to overcome or let go of.

We don't always get the life we wanted, but we are the one's responsible for making the best out of what it is. Somehow we'll always get what we need.

Wants - Needs:
  • People aren't objects to be possessed and controlled. Moe's protection of his daughter, while is admirable and understandable, is extreme. He isn't allowing Belle to make her own choices. 
  • Taking people's hearts by force and either keeping it locked away in a vault or outright crushing it.
  •  Milah ends up getting hold of a magic bean and it's a magic bean that Bae gets from the Blue Fairy to leave that place with his father. Killian knows and uses the magic bean to open a portal in the water to get to Neverland.

There is no doubt they are LOST; Pun intended.

Things to Note...Questions to Ask...

Island. Bar. Haven. Refuge. Retreat. Sanctuary. Shelter. Key.
    - as a verb- Insulate. Protect. Cocoon. Cut off. Disconnect. Sever. Divide. Divorce. Keep apart. Line. Separate. Shield. Quarantine.
๑ Library. Stories. Tale. Literal- Booth
๑ Milah and Belle are women who wanted to see the world
๑ Hook- eyeliner
๑ Dream
๑ Death
๑ Awaken. To become alert, rise, conscious- Enlightenment
๑ Substitute. Proxy.
๑ Bean is a seed- and the last name of the actor who played Daniel, Noah Bean
Killian Jones isn't the name of the Captain Hook we read about in Peter Pan
๑ Child-like and simple drawings/art: Is Rump an artist or is someone else in his house one?
๑ The fuckin' 1980's called Ruby wanting their fashions back.
๑ "Mr. Gold" - David gets gold dust/dirt on his hands while working in the mines and Moe has it too.
๑ Sheriff's station
๑ Guiding
๑ Henry doesn't call Mary Margaret "Grandma" he refers to her as Mary Margaret
๑ Duel. Duality. Dualism (Philosophy of mind). Physics: Mirror Symmetry (String theory) Holographic. Reflection Symmetry
๑ I will ride the new Fantasyland Forest (Enchanted Forest) Seven Dwarfs Mine Train ride when it opens.
๑ Game
๑ Ship
๑ Gotta find my Geronimo Jackson album. I'm missing Keith Strutter.
๑ Lost

Vocabulary and Research...

The Crocodile Dilemma is a paradox in logic in the same family of paradoxes as the liar paradox. The premise states that a crocodile who has stolen a child promises the father that his son will be returned if and only if he can correctly predict whether or not the crocodile will return the child. 

- The Crocodile: a poem by Lewis Carroll The Crocodile:
- The Crocodile: a short story written by Fyodor Dostoyevsky that was first published in 1865 in his magazine Epoch.
  Captain Hook: Captain James Hook (his name sometimes shortened to 'Jas') is the main antagonist of J. M. Barrie's play Peter Pan; or, the Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up and its various adaptations. The character is a villainous pirate captain of the Jolly Roger brig, and lord of the pirate village/harbor in Neverland, where he is widely feared. Most importantly, he is the archenemy of Peter Pan. Hook wears a big iron hook in place of his right hand, which was cut off by Peter Pan and eaten by a saltwater crocodile. Luckily for Hook, the crocodile also swallowed a clock, so Hook can tell from the ticking when he is near
- The Sorcerer of the White Lotus Lodge is a Chinese Folktale
๑ The name Killian an Anglicized version of the Irish name Cillian. One possible meaning for the name is "Church of John". In Irish means Bright-headed, war/strife and in Latin means Blind.
 ๑ A duel generally signifies an arranged engagement in combat between two individuals, with matched weapons in accordance with agreed-upon rules.
๑ Liar's dice or Liar dice: can be played as gambling or drinking games. Playing them well requires the ability to deceive and detect an opponent's deception.
 ✔ Golden LOST Thread Woven into the Tapestry of this Tale

Island. Bar. Haven. Refuge. Retreat. Sanctuary. Shelter. Key.
     - as a verb- Insulate. Protect. Cocoon. Cut off. Disconnect.  Sever. Divide. Divorce.  Keep apart. Line. Separate. Shield. Quarantine.
Par Avion: We see the light and dark side of Claire. She also makes use of a sea bird to deliver a message.
Ab Aeterno Ricardo/Ricardus/Richard asks Jacob (as payment for the job Jacob offered him) to enable him to live forever.
✈ Clean up your own mess
✈ Swan
✈ Charlie's father was a butcher.  Fire + Water.
✈ Ben stores Locke's body/coffin at the butcher shop.  The Lie
✈ Jack retrieves Locke's body from a butcher.  316.
✈ Helen gave Locke a key in a gift box to her place. Orientation 
✈ Guys with "eyeliner"  and People wishing they could live forever- Richard Alpert
✈ Dream
✈ Substitute. Proxy.
✈ Diamond. Jewels.
✈ Code
✈ Swan - Station 
✈ Sheriff
✈ Honor
✈ Karma
✈ Game
✈ Ship
✈ Awaken. To become alert, rise, conscious- Enlightenment
✈ Locke "brought" Anthony Cooper to the "Island"
✈ A song track titled Crocodile Locke on the season 1 soundtrack

Enough of my rambling... Here's your episode recap! Enjoy!
Belle and Rumple are in his shop where he presents her with an exquisite diamond necklace. The occasion is to celebrate "Us." They haven't gotten out much since Storybrooke awakened and he thought they should see it together.  Belle kisses and thanks him. Rump warns her not to get her hopes up as the nightlife is extremely limited.  But Belle clarifies that she meant "Thank you for ...what you're doing, how you're changing."  Just then Grumpy enters the CLOSED shop demanding his ax from 'Stiltskin. "It's mine. Give it to me... Just 'cause you posses somethin' doesn't mean it's yours. Nothing in this shop belongs to you. And you, how can you be with such a monster? Or maybe you're just another possession too."
Rumple attacks the Dwarf telling him he can have his ax "Buried in your chest!"  Belle is yelling for Rumple to stop as he's choking Grumpy.  "Stop! This isn't you anymore."
But Rumple turns his head and Belle sees that the man before her isn't fully in the form of the man- he's part golden vengeful Rumpelstiltskin. "Oh it's me, Dearie. Always has been! Always will be."
Belle bolts up from her dream.
She quietly heads outside and spies on Rump in the basement as he sits at his wheel spinning gold. Then he cuts a piece of the golden rope and drops it in a potion bottle.
In Fairy Tale Land Rumple enters his home carrying a basket filled with (looks like wool or something) calling out for Milah but finds young Bae just sitting there alone- mom's not around. He fluffs it off for the boy's sake. "Well, she probably just... lost track of time. Grab your cloak... we'll find her."
Rumple enters the bar to find his wife drinking and playing {Liar's/Pirate's} Dice with a bunch of Pirates wearing eyeliner.  Rump tells her it's time to go, but she isn't interested in having anything to do with him. She even insults, degrades and embarrasses Rumple in front of the Pirates- even claiming he's no one; just my husband.  Rump begs her, as she has responsibilities. But Milah only brings up the fact that he's not a man, as he didn't fight in the Ogre Wars. "Other wives became Honored widows, while I became lashed to the village coward. I need a break. Run home, Rumple. It's what you're good at."   Just then a meek voice says "Mama."  It's Bae that motivates Milah to go with them.
Milah lays awake in bed just starring distant. Rump asks her "You don't really wish I died during the Ogre Wars, do ya?"   Milah wishes he'd fought. "Don't you?"
Rump- "Well, I'm alive, and I'm here with you... with Bae."
Milah feels this isn't a life for her. She wonders why they just can't leave.  He doesn't have to be the village coward. "We could start again. Go somewhere no one knows us, see the whole world beyond this village."  Rump knows this isn't the life she wanted but it can be good "here." He wants her to try, if not for him then for Bae. She kind of half-heartedly agrees.
Rumple enters his house to upset Belle asking him what he was doing in the basement; she saw him practicing magic.  He assures her it was just a couple of spells, nothing for her to be concerned about. Belle wants him to be honest and asks why he brought magic there.  Rumple feels magic is power. Belle wants him to open up to her, tell her why he needs magic, but he won't. She feels he doesn't need power; he needs courage "To let me in."

A knock on the door reveals a woman with news that he needs to get to the docs now. "The men who came into port last week, they've taken Milah. They're setting sail, you must hurry."

Limping Rumple {with his walking stick} falls as he boards the Pirate ship. He is laughed at and then is commanded and helped to his feet before the Captain. {Dressed in black, w/eyeliner} Rumple remembers the man from the bar with his wife.  The Captain formally introduces himself as Killian Jones. "Now, what are you doing aboard my ship?"  Nervous Rumple tells him "Well, you have my wife."  Apparently Killian has had many men's wives.
Rumple- "No. You see, we have a son... and he needs his mother."
Killian- "And see, I have a ship full of men who need... companionship."
Rumple- "I'm begging you, please let her go."
Killian isn't much for bartering, but that said, he does consider himself an honorable man; a man with a code. He feels if Rump truly wants his wife back then he should take her- fight for her. Scared Rump has never been in a duel before and refuses to pick up the sword Killian threw down for him.
Killian- "A man unwilling to fight for what he wants... deserves what he gets."
Fraidy-cat Rumple pleads with Killian, wondering what he's going to tell his boy.
Killian- "Try the truth. His father is a coward."

Grumpy tells the Dwarfs to keep swinging, as they chip away at the mine walls. Charming is swinging away too, with Henry standing closely by watching.  Red arrives with a basket filled with rolls, breads and a giant muffin (for Henry). Henry shares that they haven't found any fairy dust yet, but they will and when they do they'll figure out a way to get Mary Margaret and his mom back.  Red will be back later with lunch.
Charming stops working and wipes away mine dust from his left hand- claiming that he hates mine dust. He tells Leroy that if they find anything he'll be at the sheriff's station because he's stepping in that role until Emma gets back. Charming and Henry leave.
Rumple heads upstairs to look for Belle in her rose colored room, feeling she should come and eat something.  She's not there. He notes an open window.
Rumple enters the Game of Thorns flower shop owned by Moe/Belle's father. He shows him the flier and wonders if Moe's heard from his daughter.  Moe grabs the flier from Rumple asking if this is some kind of cruel joke. "Would I have made this flier if I knew where she was? The only reason she's missing is because of the deal I made with you. But I held out hope that she would have survived such a wicked trade."  Rumple informs him that she has, and she went looking for Moe; she even made the flier like this one.  Moe guesses Rumple threw it in the trash.  Rump's feathers are getting ruffled. He doesn't expect Moe to help him; he just wants to know she's safe.  Moe feels its thanks to Rumple that neither one of the knows where she is. "You're a monster, Rumplestitskin."
Rump looks emotionally effected by all of this.

Smee meets with the Dark One, Rumplestitskin, in the flesh to discuss an important matter. {Bread on the table} Sneed whispers that he heard he was looking for something for quite some time and as luck would have it he's a man who trades in hard to find objects; like a bean... a magic bean that can transport you between worlds. Rumple shares that he's "...been told they no longer exist in this land."  Smee agrees, "But with the ships that dock here often return from far off lands with treasures they don't always understand."  It's his job to understand as is knowing the rumors of who may pay the highest price for said treasures."  The rumor he's referring is that Rump was once a great coward and became the Dark One to overcome that and protect the son he lost.
Rumple puts the ol' Darth Vader choke hold on him, warning that it's not nice to spread rumors. He wants to know where the bean is.  Sneed doesn't have it but he can get it.  Rump releases the choke hold.
Smee- "You haven't heard my price."  This doesn't worry Rumple because he spins straw into gold "Price shouldn't be a problem."  In lieu of money, Smee wants eternal life. The Dark One laughs, as it's only the Dark One who has life eternal. He makes Smee the offer of Youth- spin the clock back "til you're a little boy again."  Smee feels that's close enough, "Deal."  Rump reminds him "If you fail to deliver I spin the clock forward... and turn you into dust." Smee thanks him and leaves.
Rump sees Killian Jones meet up with his scurvy crew. Rump suddenly finds himself quite thirsty. He watches the men drink.

At Granny's Belle is served her third iced tea this morning by Ruby/Red; who comments she wouldn't want to have to call her a cab.  It's just that Belle is excited as she's never had it iced before and it's delicious.  Ruby hasn't seen Belle in there before and Belle gives the excuse that she's been a kept woman until recently. She thinks she may be headed toward a bad breakup and she's on her own. Ruby can ask Granny about a room there. Hopeful Belle thanks her, adding what she really needs now is a life- a job. Ruby asks her "What do you like to do?"
Belle- "I do love books."
Ruby tells her how the library's been closed forever, but things are changing now and maybe they need a librarian.
Belle walks over to the closed up library and tries to open the doors she already knows are locked, and then walks around the corner and gets a peek inside via an opening in a board.  Smee walks over to her asking if she has any spare change; she doesn't. He verifies that she's not meeting a friend and then kidnaps her.

The merry band of drunken pirates walks the dark streets of the port village. Killian is knocked into by a small cloaked figure carrying a mug {w/coins or something in it}.  Killian reprimands the manner-less gutter rat. The cloaked person turns and apologizes and Killian remarks "Ah, I was wrong. Not a rat at all- more... like a crocodile."  He knocks the mug from the cloaked crocodile's hands and as the man crocodile bends down to pick it up Killian kicks him over. Killian asks the crocodile's name. The amused crocodile reveals himself to be Rumpelstiltskin- The Dark One. Killian remembers him. The Dark One tosses a coin at Killian and properly introduces himself as Rumpelstiltskin. "Or as others know me, The Dark One."  Killian's men recede as it appears  Rumpelstiltskin's reputation precedes him. This pleases The Dark One as it will save them some time during the Question and Answer portion of our game. He wants to know how Milah is.
Killian replies "Who?"  Rumpelstiltskin is only too happy to dig out the memoryKillian claims she's dead; died a long time ago. "What is it you want?"  Rumple is taken aback. "We didn't get a chance to finish our duel. "Tomorrow at dawn! I am not a cruel man, get your affairs in order. Also, you can spend tonight knowing- It'll be your last. (He giggles his impish laugh.) Maybe I am cruel. And don't think about trying to escape because I will find you and I will gut your entire crew (uses Italian accent) Like a da fish."
Rumpelstiltskin shows up with the flier of Belle at Mary Margaret's apartment to have a word with David, the acting sheriff; he's wearing the badge.  David claims to be really busy with cleaning up the mess Rumple made. Rumpelstiltskin apologizes for that moment of poor judgment. "And it's not lost on me that I'm now here to ask for your help."
David- "Well, then it shouldn't be lost on you when I say no."
Rumpelstiltskin- "Hear me out first.  I'm here to report a missing person. She left my home early this morning, her name is Belle."  He gives David the flier.
David- "Back in our land you mentioned you loved someone once, is ... {Rump says yes} You also said she died."
Rump thought she had. David wonders why he just doesn't use the tracking spell he gave him to find Jefferson.  But Rumple can't because it only works if you have something the person owned and he doesn't.  He's also not sure she's gone missing or runaway.  Rump tries to get David's help as David would understand Rumpelstiltskin current plight as they have that in common. He again asks for David's help.
Killian arrives for the duel; a sword is dropped in front of him while Rumple/Dark One sits high above on the passage archway.  Rump tells him to pick it up "And let's begin."  Killian reaches for his own sword that is in his left side holder and when he reaches for it is gone.
Rumple- "Sorry. But killing a man with his own sword is just too delicious to pass up." Killian picks up the sword from the ground while Rump uses Killian's sword. They fight.
Rumple- "Ships that pass in the night. Well, at least one ship."  He knocks Killian's sword away and corners him. Killian says he's ready for the sword. Rump holds his/Killian's sword up to Killian's throat. "No. Do you know what's its like to have your wife stolen from you- to feel powerless to stop it? It feels like having your heart ripped from your chest. Actually, let me show you."  The Dark One plunges his hand into Killian's chest! Just then, Milah, in the flesh, and yells "Stop!"
"Who are you? What do you want from me?" asks Belle to her kidnapper as he seats her in an empty chair. But Snee is just a man who procures hard to find objects and in this case the object is Belle.  Belle's father Moe put him up to this. They hurry to each other's arms and hug tightly; they've missed each other. Moe's sorry they had to be reunited this way; he had no choice.
Belle- "But to kidnap me?"
Moe explains that after the curse broke he searched all over for her and discovered the Dark One was still holding her captive. Belle smiles and shares that he wasn't holding her captive; she chose to be with him. Father is surprised. "Are you saying you fell in love with him?"  Belle admits she fears it may be over now.  Father demands it must be and wants Belle to promise she no longer loves him. But Belle won't be treated like a child and told what to do.
Moe- "You don't understand what that man will do to you- what he's already done!" Belle feels father doesn't understand- it's her life!  Without a choice, Moe apologies and Snee take Belle away. "Goodbye, Belle. I love you!"

David/Charming (with the flier) is talking to a young guy who confirms "Yeah , that's him alright."
David walks back over to Rumple and asks if he remembers turning a butcher into a pig. Rump doesn't remember.  Apparently it was that guy's father; and he's afraid he hasn't seen Belle. David understands why no one wants to help Rumple. Next step- Granny's, to see who else Rumple terrorized there.  Rumple wants to ask David a serious and sincere question about him and Mary Margaret. "How does that work?"   David wonders "Are you asking dating advice?"  Of course he's not- but he is asking about 'love and relationship'.
David- "Honesty. That's how we did it. Hard work and being honest with one another."
Rumple- "Well, I don't lie."
David- "There's a difference between... literal truth and honesty of the heart. Nothing taught me that more than this curse."

The stunned Dark One still has his hand deep into Killian's chest and finally removes it to acknowledge Milah.  Killian tells her she has to run but she won't leave without Killian.  Rumple finds that sweet. "It appears there's more to this tale than I know. Tell it to me Milah!"   Milah doesn't want Killian hurt; she can explain.
Rumple grows agitated "TICK-TOCK, Dearie. TICK-TOCK!"
Apparently Milah was mesmerized by the stories Killian shared on the night she met him in the Tavern; about the places he'd been and she fell in love with him. "I didn't mean for it to turn out this way. I didn't know how to tell you the truth. I'm sorry."
Rumple- "And so here we are... You've come to save the life of your true love- the pirate! I didn't realize the power to true love before. It is impressive. I'd hate to break it up. Actually, no... I'd love to."
Milah barters with Rumple, as she has something he wants. She produces the red hat she took from Snee. "I may not know what the Dark One wants with a magic bean... but I have it."  Rumple feels a proposal coming on. Milah will give him the magic bean in exchange for their lives. "Deal?"
Rumple wants to see it first.
David shows Ruby the flier, but Ruby says Belle doesn't ring a bell. But David wants Ruby to listen "if you've come across her you gotta tell me. I'll make sure nothing bad happens."  Ruby's concern is about Rumpelstiltskin, but David assures her he's got him. "Trust me."   Ruby confesses Belle was in there earlier, she looking for a job and Ruby pointed her in the direction of the library. Rump asks if she thinks she went there but Ruby's not sure. Ruby gives them a sweater she left in her booth to give her when they find her. It really belongs to Rumple, who gave it to her because she didn't have anything for the cold. They may have a hint to Rumple having a caring side and feelings for Belle. Ruby confirms with David that he'll watch out for Belle, and offers to help find her.  "Lately, since things changed, I've been a... a little more sensitive to odors."
Rumple- "What, you can smell her?"
Ruby- "I guess its 'cause of the wolf thing."
Ruby is on the Belle trail, with David and Rumple in tow.  Something's wrong- she had and now lost her trail.  She sneezes, blaming the flowers in front of the Game of Thorns shop.  "I can't track her anymore, sorry."  Rumple tells her not to be, as they're in front of Belle's father's flower shop. They enter.

Moe demands Rumple (and friends) leave his private establishment. {WTF? It's a store!} But the trio is worried and wants to know where Belle is; David won't let anything happen to Belle and they want to be sure she's safe. Moe claims she's safe so they can stop looking for her.
Rump realizes Moe's sending Belle across the town line so she can "forget"- he'll stop at nothing to keep her away from Rumple, even if it means forgetting her own father.

They group walks out with Moe to his delivery truck. They have patrols on the Storybrooke line to make sure no one crosses accidentally. David asks Moe how he's planning to pull it off.  Moe doesn't answer so Rumple snaps and pushes him up against the truck demanding an answer and David stops him from killing Moe. David notices Moe has gold dust/dirt on his hands and determines he's been down in the mines. "The Tunnels! They lead out of town. So the gang takes Moe and commandeers his truck to get to the mines.
"Move it out!.." is heard at the docks. Milah returns injured Killian to his ship; she asks a deckhand to fetch some water and the prisoner up from below deck; along with the booty he carried. Rumple is on board and remarks "Well, well, seems like you've finally found a family... you could never have with me." Gagged Snee is brought up. Milah displays the magic bean to the Dark One but doesn't let him get it. She tosses it over to Killian to catch.
Killian has his left hand clenched in a fist. "You asked to see it, now you have."
Milah- "Do we have a deal. Can we go our separate ways?"
Rumple- "Do you mean... do I forgive you? Can I... move on? Perhaps. Perhaps. I can see you are truly in love." 
Milah thanks him.
Rumple- "Just one question... How could you leave Bae? {This conjures up some chaos on the ship} Do you know what's it's like walking home that night knowing I had to tell our son... his mother was dead."
Milah- "I was wrong to lie to you, I was the coward. I know that..."
Rump cuts her off "You left him! You abandoned him!"   Milah claims there's not a day that goes by that she doesn't feel sorry for that.
Rump- "Sorry isn't enough! You let him go."
Milah- "I let my misery cloud my judgment."
Rump- "Why were you so miserable?"
Milah- "Because I never loved you."   Rumple is stunned and then plunges his hand into Milah's chest to remove her heart and he magically traps Killian to a post with rope. Killian frees himself and runs to dying Milah's side where she tells him "I love you."
Rump crushes the heart into dust.
Sad Killian feels Rump, the demon, may be more powerful but is no less a coward. Rumple will have what he came for, but Killian feels he'll have to kill him first. Unfortunately that isn't in the cards for him- Rumple chops off Killian's clenched left hand.  "I want you alive. Because I want you to suffer like I did."
Killian stabs Rumple in the chest with a hook, but this makes Rumple giggle. "Killing me's gonna take a lot more than that, Dearie."  Killian feels even demons can be killed and he will find a way.
Rumple- "Well, good luck living long enough." He magically disappears into a black/red smoke; leaving the hook to fall to the floor.
Snee cuffs Belle to the mine cart. He's sending her on a little ride under the town line. "Once you cross you'll forget who you were in the other realm and who you loved."  He gives her a flashlight "This should help you find the key. I left it at the bottom of the cart. Good luck."  He releases the lever and the cart takes off down the track like a train.  The ride is bumpy, but Belle shines the flashlight at the bottom of the shaky cart to search for the key. She retrieves it, and while trying to unlock her handcuff she drops the key.
The cart comes to an abrupt stop and is magically pulls in reverse! She arrives at her stop to find Rumple is the one who saved her and released her from her cuff.
David helps her out of the cart. Rumple asks "Do you remember who I am?"
Belle's alright- "I do, Rumpelstiltskin, I remember."   Rumple hugs her. Moe's annoyed, of course. Belle pushes away from Rumple. He asks her what's wrong. Belle thanks him for what he just did but that doesn't change that he's too cowardly to be honest with her.  Rumple tries to speak but Moe jumps in. "I tried to tell him that, Belle. Come with me, Darling."
Belle- "After what you just tried to do to me? You're no better, father. You don't get to decide what I do or how I feel. I do. If either of you cared about me... you would have listened. I don't want to see either of you again. Ever."
Ruby serves Belle a classic breakfast of bacon, scrambled eggs, pancakes; she literally tells her the syrup goes on pancakes- the round things.  Belle thanks her for everything. Ruby welcomes her to stay there until she gets on her feet; Granny will be fine with it.
Ruby almost forgot- someone dropped a box off for Belle at the front desk. Wrapped as a gift, it is the key to the library.
Belle enters the library and is met by Rumple. "We may sit in our library... and yet be in all quarters of the Earth."  He heard of her interests and made some inquiries; he gave her the key. "There's an apartment for the caretaker, if you want it?"  Belle's suspicious this is his way to win her back, but he assures her it's not. He's there because she's right about him. He speaks quite sincerely. "I am a coward. I have been my entire life. I tried to make up for it by collecting power, and the power became so important... that I couldn't let go. Not even... when that meant losing the most important person in my life."
Belle- "Your son."
Rump- "Baelfire... is his name. After he left I dedicated myself to finding him. I went down many, many paths... until I found a curse that could take me to the land where he'd escaped."
Belle- "Here."
Rump- "Now, I find myself in this little town... with only one thing left to do... wait for the curse to be that I could leave... and find him."
Belle- "But instead of looking for him, you, you brought magic."
Rump- "Because I'm still a coward.  Magic has become a crutch... that I can't walk without. And even if I could, I now know I could never leave this place."
Belle- "Because anyone who leaves forgets the people they love. So, when you go to look for Baelfire... you won't know him."
Sad Rumple tells her "Magic comes with a price. Belle, I have to break this new curse. That's why I was using magic... that night you saw me down in the basement. I have lost so much that I loved. I didn't wanna lose you again, without you knowing...everything."  He tenderly touches her face, "Goodbye, Belle." He walks away from Belle starting to tear up.
She stops him by asking if he's ever had a hamburger; He has but she hasn't. She heard Granny's makes a great one and maybe they can try it sometime.  Rumple smiles, "I would like that."
Rumple/Dark One seems to be preparing a spell. He literally unclench-es the severed fist from Killian to retrieve the magic bean and finds the hand empty! "No! He tricked me!" 
On board his ship Killian has the magic bean. They slide the white shrouded body overboard.
Killian allows gagged Snee to speak- he wants his bean. Killian tells him how it works on his ship. "I make the demands, you follow them. The bean's now mine."
Snee- "You have to give me something for it."
Killian will. "Your life. A chance to join my crew."
Snee- "So instead of the promise of eternal life, I get to scrub blood off your decks? How is that right?"
Killian- "What if I told you I was about to set sail to a land where none of us will ever grow old? Where I can discover how to get my revenge on Rumpelstiltskin."
William Snee can live with that. Killian welcomes him aboard and throws the magic bean overboard where it opens a swirling portal in the water. Hooked Killian warns the crew of bumpy seas- they're headed to Neverland!
Rumple heads down to his dark basement where he's keeping Snee tied up. "You're probably wondering why I brought you here. (shows him Snee's red hat) I found this, in the mines, Mr. Smee."  He's not interested in apologies, he's interested in information about the man he works for, Snee will tell Rumple anything he wants to know about Moe. But it's not about Moe.
Rumple- "Your Captain. Where is he?"
Snee is nervous. "I've never seen him in Storybrooke, I swear. For some reason when the curse hit, it, it, it didn't take him!"
Rumple- "Then where is he?"
From a beach Hook is spying on a land with a lighthouse in the distance through his looking glass. He's met by Cora who shows him what he perceives as a jar of sparkly dirt. Cora explains its remains of a magical wardrobe that can travel between worlds.  Hook asks if it's enough to get them where they need to go. Cora says not quite, but it's a start. Hook informs her they're almost ready to set sail. "Where's our port of destination?"
Cora- "Storybrooke."
Hook finds it a curious name. Cora says that's where "She is... and so is he." Cora will be able to see her daughter and he will skin himself a crocodile.